LGBTQ Resources
Hey! Here's a list of helpful resources for transgender people! There's information on what gender dysphoria is, what to expect with transitioning, tips for transitioning, the science behind HRT, and many many other links.
HRT - An overview
Here's some pages that go fairly in depth into the technicalities, information, and science behind taking estrogen, testosterone, and information from UCLA
Getting started
"Hormones for a lot of trans people is an incredibly important step in their transition.
It’s not uncommon for trans people, especially those under the age of 18, to fight for their ability to get on hormones.
If you are under 18, you have to get a therapist note. Getting a therapist note for some can be incredibly difficult. If you don’t have the resources to see a therapist who is knowledgeable about transgender people, then they might not be open to helping you with your transition.
Gatekeeping, the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something, can be a problem when dealing with a closed-minded therapist.
Besides that, therapy is not a cheap venture, and consistently going to your therapist until they are comfortable writing your therapist, a note might not be in your financial ability.
For people who are over the age of 18, informed consent is a fantastic option. Whenever you get a tattoo, you have to sign an informed consent waiver saying that you are a consenting adult in a healthy mental space and know the pros and cons of what you are doing. The same thing exists for trans people over the age of 18, wanting to get hormones. Familiar places that offer this are planned parenthood and trans/LGBTQ clinics. These exist all over the U.S.A
If you are under 18, it can be difficult to start your medical transition. Most doctors require a therapist note or diagnosis of gender dysphoria before they prescribe hormones. Getting either of those may take months to years. For many, it is easier to wait until they are 18 before starting. However, if you find an LGBTQ friendly therapist, it significantly helps."
Jane (she/her)
janegaming#6059 on Discord
If you want to ask more specific questions, she is very knowledgeable about medically transitioning.
Here's a list of resources for transitioning that focuses on nonmedical transitioning.
Local Resources
If you click one of the buttons below, you can find resources either in the Dallas area or nationwide. Psychology Today and TransPulse are both resource locators for all over America. Psychology Today focuses on therapists, while TransPulse has resources for therapists, general practitioners, endocrinologists, legal assistance, surgeons, voice therapists, and electrologists.
Here are a list of resources, including a booklet and an article from UCSF about transitioning MTF
Here are a list of resources, including a booklet and an article from UCSF about transitioning FTM
Here are a list of resources and information about being Nonbinary